Sep 27, 2015

All work and no play...

Nothing much has happened since last time, loads of work and I've kind of been thrown in there to fence for myself, helped out in Sloane Square which was great fun.
Got a massive cold that I hope is finally giving up. This in turn made it impossible to go to the gym without getting a cough attack so I feel less fit right now.

Just cleaned the entire flat which is now filled with 6 grown men and myself, they on the other hand seem to be completely content with living in their own filth.
The toilets looked worse than a public one in east London!
But hey, as far as they're concerned they have a live in maid (Me) so they just wait it out until I can't stand it.  Great. Rant over!

There's talk about an Indian summer hitting London, hoping! It's sunny today but after this massive cleaning I am exhausted so I'm enjoying it from inside my nook.

Hugz to all!

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